Weaving Project Planner and Journal
Weaving Project Planner and Journal
This journal provides charts with helpful tips for calculating the warp and weft of your projects whether for a rigid heddle, knitters loom, 4 shaft or 8 shaft loom. Included is an example of a warp and weft calculation for four kitchen towels which can be used as your first project. There is an index of basic weaving vocabulary. Drafting grids suitable for up to 8 shafts. Space to record the stages of your work including on loom, off loom, and the final finished size of your item.
This well thought out journal is designed by weavers for weavers. It gives you the ability to keep a detailed record of the yarns used and the settings you prefer and the results for each of 12 projects. Record your discoveries and ideas in a logical way all in one place for easy reference and have them ready for future projects.
Journal details:-
Size - 7.5X9 inches
134 pages – (67 pages)
Cover - Glossy softcover.